Baby on Board (Blast From the Past)

This was written before Ben & Scott had their babies, it just never got posted. So keep in mind, this is from a few years ago.


Ben entered the house, quiet as he could. It had been a long night at work, and he really didn’t want to get into another argument before bed. Since Annie had gotten pregnant, he found it best to walk on eggshells where his sister was concerned. Some days she was so overjoyed with the fact she was carrying Scott’s baby, she laughed and blushed easily. Other days, any little thing could make her snarl and snap, or weep. Sometimes she could do all of them within the space of an hour. Ben didn’t understand the whole thing. He figured once she got pregnant, she’d go through the nine months, the baby would be born, and she’d go back to her husband, Paco. At least as soon as the man came back from his job. If Ben thought living with a pregnant woman, and a submissive who was so thrilled with the prospect of being a father he was practically bouncing off the walls would be easy… God, he couldn’t have been more wrong.

He could hear the murmur of voices coming from the lounge, so he took a few steps closer. Annie chuckled, and Ben hoped it meant she was in a good mood. When he’d left for work that day, she’d been on a tear, demanding to know who’d taken the last yogurt. When he told her he’d eaten it, he thought she would rim him apart into tiny chunks. Scott soothed that when he said he’d hidden a few in the crisper drawer for her. Then she billed and cooed as the two of them snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie, while she ate berry and banana yogurt.

When he heard Scott giggle, Ben figured it was safe to enter. He moved down the hall of the house they’d bought with a portion of the money that Jarod had given Scott. Oh, they’d fought about it, but in the end, Scott had a point that they needed a bigger place with a baby on the way. Ben had told him that with their combined income from him being bar manager at Collars & Cuffs, and Scott’s writing, they could definitely afford something eventually. That was the part that pissed Scott off, because the baby was coming—soon, not ‘eventually’, as he reminded Ben.

With Jarod’s blessing, they’d bought a Victorian style home, with a large backyard, a garage, a fireplace. All the things Ben’s modest flat was missing. He hated to admit it, but the moment they walked through the door to look at the place, it felt like home. He could tell by Scott’s expression that he’d noticed the same thing. They put in an offer, and when the realtor called them back to say it was accepted, they were over the moon with happiness.

With the help of some LGBT friendly contractors that Ben’s boss, Leo Hart, had suggested, they’d papered, carpeted, painted, sanded, buffed, polished, and turned their house into a kid-safe haven, where the two of them would raise their family. God, he could scarcely believe that in four months, they were going to be a family. In all his wildest dreams, Ben had never foreseen that. When he thought in terms of the future, it had been him and a submissive, who would be kneeling at his side for years to come. Rather much like Jarod had been with his deceased Master, Phillip. What he got was something totally different.

Scott wasn’t your usual submissive. Oh, he when he submitted, it was beautiful. But Scott needed constant reassurance, a steady hand, and so much love and affection. Being the son of parents who hadn’t seen the person, only the problem, he never felt wanted. When he’d suggested that he and Ben should have a child, Ben wasn’t sure if he liked the idea at all. But Scott? His way of thinking was infectious. And what surprised Ben the most was the fact his boy was being so level-headed about this. He understood the challenges they’d face—both as a couple and as Dom and sub—but he clearly felt up to it. And Ben believed he was. There wasn’t anything Scott couldn’t accomplish if he set his mind to it.

Ben was humbled by Scott on so many levels. The fact he not only forgave Ben for how he behaved when they got together, being completely clueless and not paying attention to Scott’s needs, and then sending him back to the family who didn’t want him, because Ben let Scott’s father convince him he had nothing to offer. But Scott? From those humble beginnings, Scott blossomed. Before Ben’s eyes, he grew into a capable and bright young man. Yes, he still had issues, but that was why Ben loved him. Scott needed him, and Ben delighted in that fact.

He took a deep breath and pushed the door to the lounge open. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear Scott and Annie hadn’t moved off the couch since he’d left for work. They were still cuddled up, but this time under a duvet, and chatting away.

“A horse,” Scott said, his voice full of glee.

“A house,” Annie replied, a cute grin on her face.

Scott’s brow furrowed. “A….um….blimp.”

“What are you two doing?” Ben asked.

“We’re trying to decide how big Annie’s gotten,” came the answer.

Ben chuckled. “Well, how about a whale?”

Both of them looked at Ben, obviously aghast. Tears welled in Annie’s eyes as she stood and rushed for her bedroom. Scott turned and glared at Ben.

“Why the hell did you do that?” he demanded.

“What?” Ben asked. “I thought we were playing a game.”

“Annie and I were. She knows I’m not being mean. You were just…ugh.” Scott, ever the little drama queen, threw his hands in the air, then stormed after Ben’s sister, who at five month’s pregnant, was so full of hormones it wasn’t funny. Ben sighed and opened the refrigerator. He grabbed the plate Scott always left for him, threw it in the microwave, and sat down to eat.

“Why does she have to be so…” Ben grumbled. He couldn’t even come up with the word to describe his sister’s behavior.

“Pregnant?” Scott said from behind him.

Ben turned around. “Seriously. I mean, she’s running hot and cold, one moment to the next. There’s no stability in there at all. It’s like Annie’s been replaced by some monster.”

Scott clucked his tongue as he sat down. “So what you’re telling me is that you didn’t read any of the books and pamphlets I gave you, right?”


“I didn’t have time,” he protested, knowing it was weak at best.

“No, of course not. Between running and sleeping and work, when would you have time.”

The sarcasm wasn’t lost on Ben. Any other day, he’d have Scott tied to the bed, his arse a rosy red, and begging Ben to forgive him. Right now, he didn’t think that was the appropriate response.

“I’m sorry,” Ben offered.

Scott gave a dismissive wave. “It’s fine. I know I’m more into having a child than you are. I get that you’re too busy.”

Oh, you little shit. Ben was out of the chair in a second, had Scott by the arm and pressed up against the wall. He held him firmly by the shoulders. Not to hurt Scott, but to make sure he understood how much Ben wanted this with him. “Don’t you ever think I’m not invested in having a family, because it’s why I’m picking up extra shifts, looking for a second job, and—” He stopped, aware he’d said too much.

Scott’s face fell. “So you haven’t been out running. I figured as much. You weren’t sweaty when you came home. Why are you doing this?”

A litany of excuses barreled through Ben’s mind, but he remembered what Jarod had told him about him about being honest.

“For all of my adult life, money has been in short supply. Mum worked two jobs to keep Annie and I in a house we could barely afford, keep us fed, schooled, and the like. I saw how much of a toll it took on her, and I swore if I ever got lucky enough to find someone of my own, I would do the same to keep them safe and happy.”

“But—” Scott protested.

“Let me finish. Please.” He turned loose of his grip on Scott, and took a step back.

Scott took a deep breath, then nodded.

“When you told me you wanted to have a child, I went into panic mode thinking about all of the money we’d need to raise him or her to be a happy, well-adjusted kid. All I saw were pound notes flying out the window at an extraordinary rate, and us not having enough to cover our bills. So I thought, as head of the household, that I needed to step up and show how much I truly wanted this for the both of us.

“So I went to find a day job. I figured I would tell you after I got hired, so you couldn’t try to talk me out of it. But it’s important you know, I want to do this for you, for our baby. Since you told me you wanted to be my full-time submissive, taking care of you has become my top priority.”

Scott pouted, his luscious pink lip jutted out in a tempting invitation to nibble on it. “Are you done now?” he demanded.

“Yes,” Ben replied, just before he leaned in and nipped at Scott’s lip.

“Okay, first off, how fucking dare you.”

“That’s one,” Ben said, his tone dark. Despite anything else, he would not tolerate rudeness from Scott.

“Fine. Here, have another. Fuck you, Ben,” he growled, pointing at his Dom.

Ben staggered back a half-step. Scott had never spoken this way. It was kind of a turn-on, because the results would be a beautiful rosy arse that Ben would take his time and fuck, while Scott was in chastity.

“Yes, I’m your permanent submissive. I accept my role in life, because it works for me. I love taking care of you and our home. But don’t you dare try to play the martyr and act so goddamn put upon. I work. I make okay money. Yeah, it’s not as much as you, but we’re doing fine. We have a good bank account, a house that’s paid for—and don’t even say it’s because of Jarod, because that’s not true and you know it.

“When we talked about having a baby, you said you were fully invested in it. Well, guess what? That doesn’t mean working until you’re ready to drop. It means being here, changing diapers, reading to our child. It means giving them something only you can. Your time. I came from a family who saw a career as more important than a child. It’s not for the same reason, but the effects will be the same.”

Ben wanted to protest, but he’d never seen Scott so agitated. His eyes were red, and his body trembled. Whatever was on his mind, he needed to get it out.

“Daddy, why isn’t Poppa here? Oh, he’s at work. And then six months later, “Doesn’t Poppa love us? Of course he does. But he’s never here. He doesn’t hug us anymore. He doesn’t sing to us. He doesn’t—”

Scott burst into tears, ran into the lounge, and dropped on the sofa. Ben was up immediately and rushed to his husband. He gathered him up and held him close, rubbing his back in small circles. It was a move that had always worked to calm Scott down.

“He doesn’t what, Scott? Finish what you were going to say.”

“He doesn’t love us,” Scott bawled, choking out the words.

“Scott, it’s not what you think. I do love you, and that’s why—”

The door to the bedroom opened, and Annie stepped out. Her gaze went to Scott and the look on her face told Ben he was in deep shit. She hurried to the couch, and pulled Scott away from him. He clung to her, and Ben’s stomach churned. No matter what he did, he always seemed to be messing up.

“What the hell did you do?” she hissed.

“I told him—”

“No. You don’t get to talk now.” She put a finger under Scott’s chin, and lifted it up. “Honey, why don’t you run to the store for me? I’m craving something decadent and chocolate. Ooh, maybe a brownie with chocolate ice cream. We can pig out while we watch another movie.”

Ben snuck a look at the clock on the microwave. It was nearly four in the morning, and Scott needed his sleep. He opened his mouth to protest, when Annie gave him a death glare.

“Okay,” Scott replied, his voice soft. He got up and trudged to the door, not looking at Ben, even when he said hurry home. The door closed with a thunderous click.

“You stupid git,” Annie snarled. “What the hell did you do to him?”

Ben had had enough. He stood up, crossed his arms, and told her, “What happened between me and Scott isn’t any of your concern.”

She stood, placed a hand on her swollen belly, and replied, “I’m the mother of his child. It sure as hell is.”

That sucked the wind out of Ben’s sails. Right now it seemed Annie was closer to Scott than he had been for weeks.

“I’m looking for another job,” he told his sister. “I want to be sure we have enough money with the baby coming and all.”

Annie sighed. “Sit down,” she told him.

“But I—”

“Sit. Down.”

Her tone showed she would brook no argument. Ben sat.

“Do you know what the definition is of insanity?”

The turn of the conversation left Ben a bit muddled. “What?”

“Do you know?”

He dropped his head back agains the sofa. “No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

Annie chuckled, reached out, and took his hand. “It’s doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.”

Ben blinked. “I don’t understand.”

“Let me break it down for you, okay? Why did you send Scott back to his parents?”

Ben furrowed his brow. “Because I thought they could provide for him better than me after the accident.”

“Right. Now, why didn’t you want Jarod to give Scott money?”

“Because he’s my submissive. I should be the one taking care of him.”

“Good. Now we’re getting to the heart of the problem.” She patted his hand gently. “Now, tell me something. Do you think, in your heart of hearts, that taking care of your family means you need to be away from them all the time? Let’s say you got another job, which in this economy is a long shot. You’re making money, buying Scott everything he needs, and then what?”

Ben drew back. “What do you mean?”

“If you have to choose between a job and your family, what’s the right choice? We grew up without a father. Our mother worked herself to the bone so we’d have stuff. If you had to choose between that firetruck she got you for Christmas, or having her around for one more day, which would you take? What memory will stand out more to you? That toy, or the way she beamed at you when you hugged her for the present you thought you always wanted?”

It wasn’t even something Ben had to give thought to. “I’d take Mum,” he said, his voice cracking.

“So would your child. It’s not what gifts you give them, it’s giving them the gift of you. Scott gets that. He’s always known what true family is. Especially after he got here and met Thomas, Leo, Alex, and Peter. Being a family isn’t making money. It’s the two of us sat on the couch, watching a movie. It’s him putting his hand on my belly, knowing that there is a life inside me that he helped to make. I honestly think you need to take his definition of family and replace the one you’ve got. Because, if I’m honest, yours is awful.”

Ben snorted. “And when the bills come due, and we can’t afford to pay them?”

Annie rolled her eyes. “Oh my God, you are such a stupid git. You’re not destitute. You have a good paying job, Scott makes money. So you might have to scrimp and save if you want something. That builds character. It also gives you something to work for together. Stop being an arse. Be what Scott really needs. A husband and a father to the family the two of you are going to have. Yes, money is important, but having Mum there to hug you was so much more, don’t you think?”

Ben hung his head. Even now he missed his mother more than he thought possible. She worked hard to provide for them, and it was a lesson Ben took to heart. He needed to take care of Scott the way their mum took care of him and Annie. But would he have been heartbroken if he hadn’t gotten that firetruck? Yes, but he would have lived without it. It wasn’t the same as living without your mother.

“I messed up, didn’t I?” he asked.

“You always do, bro. But Scott’s a very forgiving person. And, if needed, you can always spank him until he forgives you.”

Ben chuckled. “You know, the Dom is supposed to know everything. Leo and Thomas never seem to have these problems.”

“Leo and Thomas have a lot more experience than you do. I bet if you asked Leo whether or not he messed up at all in his relationship, he’d say yes. You’re getting better, you know. You accepted the money from Jarod, even though you didn’t want to. You bought a house that you thought you should wait on. Step up now, be who Scott needs. I guarantee you,  you’re going to be happier for it.”

Ben pulled Annie to him and gave her a squeeze. When he tried to sit back, she wouldn’t let go.

“I love you, Benny boy,” she whispered, calling him a childhood nickname he hadn’t heard in years.

“Love you too, Arsehole Annie.”

She snorted. “I hated when you called me that.” She hugged tighter. “But it did make me laugh. Mum would have loved Scott, you know. She might have put us both out and kept him.”

Ben could see that. And after what Annie had said, he might have understood.

He had a lot of thinking to do.

A few nights later, with Thomas’s blessing, Ben left work at half past seven. He walked in and found Annie on the couch, her feet propped on Scott’s lap. His boy was giving her one of his famous foot rubs. Annie had her head tossed back, and she was groaning. For a moment, Ben felt a stab of jealousy. At least until Scott looked up and saw him. The biggest, purest smile ever crossed his face as he picked up Annie’s feet, and put them down on the cushions, before he threw himself into Ben’s arms.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, astonishment in his tone.

“JJ needed some hours, and I wanted to come home to you.” Ben lifted his arm, and jerked his thumb in the direction of the door. “If you want, I can leave again.”

“Don’t be daft,” Scott replied, hugging Ben tight.

He sank into the hug, loving how Scott’s arms felt as they encircled his midsection.

“Daft? We’ll turn you into a right proper Brit one of these days. Maybe after we spank all the American out of you.”

Annie snorted. “And on that note, I’m going to bed.” She strolled over, kissed Ben and then Scott on the cheek. “Good night you guys. Try to keep it down, okay? This girl needs her sleep.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Ben told her. “I took your suggestion and bought a supply of ball gags. You shouldn’t hear a peep tonight.”

Scott dropped his gaze and blushed. Ben had to stifle a laugh at his reaction. The one who got up on stage and gave his virginity to Ben in a crowded room could still blush.

He cupped Scott’s cheek. “I’m kidding. Well, mostly. I do have a few new ball gags I’m dying to try, but that’s not why I’m home early.”

Annie’s brows disappeared into her hairline. “Oh?”

“I came home to see if Scott wanted to go out to dinner tonight. Maybe catch a movie after.”

Scott blinked several times, shook his head, then turned to Annie. “Do you have body snatchers in England?” he asked.

“Might be,” she said, as she reached out and poked Ben’s chest. “Well, I’m gobsmacked. It sure seems like Ben.”

Ben grinned. “I got some advice from a very dear sister of mine, and after much thought and consideration, I realized she’s right.” He turned to Scott. “I’m sorry, pup.”

Scott’s jaw dropped. “Okay, now I know something’s wrong. He never apologizes.”

“You’d best mark it on the calendar, you cheeky brat. It won’t happen again.”

“What was I right about?” Annie asked.

“Nope. That’s a conversation between me and Scott first. You go on to bed. We’re probably not going to be home soon.”

Annie smiled, and Ben knew she was aware of what he meant. He was so damn happy she’d come to be with them, and that she’d agreed to give them the greatest gift anyone ever had. It was part of what got him thinking.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, Sir,” Scott replied, slipping back into sub mode. “Do I need anything?”

“Like?” Ben asked, curious to see where Scott’s mind was taking them.

“Well, I mean… Do I need my harness or anything?”

“Ah. No, definitely not. No club tonight. Just you, me, dinner, and a movie. Then home again.”

Scott threw a glance over his shoulder and stage-whispered to Annie, “If I’m dreaming, don’t wake me up.”

Ben guffawed. “That’s going to cost you,” he said. “But not tonight. Let’s go.”

After they hugged Annie good night, Scott headed for the garage. “No, we’re walking to the restaurant,” he said, taking Scott’s hand.

Scott eyed him, the curiosity obvious. “Did I miss a birthday or something?”

Ben chuckled. “No, love. You didn’t miss anything.”

They continued for a few more steps, when Scott stopped and tugged Ben’s hand. “You’re kind of freaking me out. What’s wrong?”

Ben glanced across the street to the park near their house. It would be the one where they took their child to play as he or she grew. He wrapped an arm around Scott and led him across the street. When they got to a bench, he gestured for Scott to sit. Ben sat beside him, never losing contact with him.

“Nothing is wrong. Everything is what it should be,” he said. “The other day, Annie and I had words while you were out. She made me think about some things, and I realized I’ve been a colossal prick.”

“No, you haven’t,” Scott protested.

Ben held up a hand. “Let me finish, okay? I have, and I know it. From the day you came into my life, I fucked up royally. Not training you when I should have. Not giving you the respect you deserved. Trying to pretend it didn’t kill me to let you go off with someone else. Then when we got together, I still made a mess of things, and I keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.”

Scott scooted closer. His warmth encouraged Ben to continue talking, to finally drain the poison that had infected them.

“My mum worked two jobs so Annie and I could have everything we wanted. She loved us, and I have no doubt about that, but after our father died, the hugs were less frequent. She no longer had time to play with us, or to ask how our day went. She’d come home, shower, and rush off to another job. When I asked her once why, she told me that it was the price she willingly paid for having children she loved so much. I didn’t understand what she meant, but I took it to heart. She took care of us because she loved us. I figured that was what it meant to truly love someone. When I finally got my head out of my arse about you, I wanted to do that, too. If I could show you that I could take care of you, without help from anyone else, then that would be proof I loved you. The thing of it was, I was juggling so much, I was failing at all of them.”

“I swore to myself I would do better. I could be the husband you deserved as well as the Dom you needed. I could be all things to you. But the truth is, I can’t.”

“What are you saying?” Scott asked, his eyes brimming with tears.

“I’m saying…shit, this is going to sound so messed up. From the moment we got together, I made mistake after mistake. Looking back now, with the gift of hindsight, I realize that it was my pride that got in the way. Leo offered to help pay for things when we needed them, but I wouldn’t allow it. If I accepted, we wouldn’t have had half the problems. Jarod wanted to give you money, and I was stubborn about that because you were mine to care for. Annie told me that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing, but expecting different results. That’s what I was doing. I kept the cycle going, because I had to prove myself.”

“But you don’t. Can’t you see that? I love you for who you are.”

“I know that. Well, now I do. What I wouldn’t give to take back all the hurt that I caused you.” Ben brushed his fingers across Scott’s cheek. “To see that smile light your face constantly. To not be the stubborn arse I was. But I can’t go back and change what’s already been done. I can, however, make you a promise. I don’t want to be that man with our family. You told me before it’s a job for both of us, and I still wanted to provide for you and our child, so that things would be easier on you. But I can’t. I need you as a partner in this. I might be your Dom, but I’m also your husband. And…well, I need you, Scott. Will you forgive me for being so stupid?”

Warm arms wrapped around Ben’s neck. “You are a stupid git. I love you. I need you. If we have to save up to buy a new car, we’ll do that. If—”

“Wait a second. What’s wrong with my car?”

Scott sat back, a look of disgust on his face. “Seriously? The passenger side mirror is only held on by duct tape. The back light is burnt out. The inside of the car smells like feet.”

“But it’s a classic,” Ben protested.

“It’s a pile of crap, and you know it. Do you really want our baby riding around in that deathtrap?”

Ben smiled. “You said our baby. Do you know I will never get tired of hearing that? What you said was true. The little one needs to hear from me every day that I love them. I can’t be my mum. Things were different then. Annie and I were older, and we had our own lives. But we’re having a baby. I need to be there with you to see them grow, to help them along the way.”

“Yes, please. That’s all I want out of life, Ben. For our child to know love from both of us. But I have to ask, why now?”

Ben ducked his head. “Between you and Annie, I realized how much I had to lose. I forgot what your home life was like, and how you were raised. I know you want better for us. Well, from me. Annie reminded me of a gift my mum gave me. It was a little toy firetruck, with all the bells and whistles. I saw it in the store, and I had to have it. Mum worked extra shifts to buy it, and when I opened it Christmas morning, I threw my arms around her neck and told her how much I loved her. But love isn’t what you can give to a person. Love is being there with them, through the good and bad times. It’s shouldering the burden to make their lives easier. My working a second job wouldn’t have done that. I know I said you wouldn’t hear me apologize again, but I am truly sorry, scamp. You just don’t know.”

Ben waited for Scott’s reaction, but when it came, it wasn’t at all what he expected. “Good. You should be. You’re taking training classes with Darren, right?”

A quick nod.

“So, in all those times you guys have gotten together with Thomas, has he once said you needed to buy things to make us happy? Wait, don’t answer that. I can tell you now. The answer is no. He has a nice house, he has Peter who absolutely adores him. He works hard to provide for them, but he also makes time for them to be together. Same with Leo. Alex told me that Leo’s doing whatever he needs to so that the two of them keep up with each other. It’s those things that make them right together. No amount of things will give me the same warm feeling as a hug from you. Nothing you buy could replace sitting down together to watch a movie. Between the two of us, we have a good life. We’re not rolling in money, but we are happy.” There was a brief flash of uncertainty. “Aren’t we?”

“Well, I know I am,” Ben stated. “Which is why I wanted to take you out tonight. There are some things that I’ve done which will change our lives.”

“You know what? I think you know this is making my stomach knot,” Scott accused. “You like watching me squirm.”

“I do,” Ben agreed. “There hasn’t been enough squirming since Annie came to stay with us. But no, that’s not what this is about. I took stock of my life. Of what’s important. What needed to change. And the only thing I could honestly point to that was important? You and our baby. That’s it. Everything else is inconsequential. So I went in and talked with Thomas and Leo. I’m going to be changing my hours so I’m home more often overnight. They both sat there and listened when I said that I needed to be home with the two of you. That my primary responsibility needed to be my family, and not the job.”

“What did they say?”

“Well, Thomas sat there and grinned when Leo took out a tenner and handed it over. When I asked what was going on, Leo said they knew I’d come to my senses eventually about what was important. It was then I realized that during our training sessions, Thomas kept subtly pushing me and Darren to understand our role as the head of the house. Yes, we need to take care of our family, but we also have to be there for them. I can’t lead if I’m never home. So I’m going to be changing my hours at the club. I’ll work more days, and my nights will be spent here with you. Of course, if there is a big party or something, that will have to be figured in, but Leo and Thomas agree as bar manager, I set my schedule. JJ will get more hours, which makes him happy, Kenton prefers to work nights, so that worked out for everyone, too.

Scott gave several slow blinks. “You’re not teasing me, right?”

Ben put a hand on the back of Scott’s neck and drew him close. “No, not about this. I’ve been an arse since the day we got together. It’s time I start putting things to right for my husband, my sub, and our soon to be child.”

Scott turned his gaze away from Ben’s.

“What’s wrong?” Ben asked, as he stroked Scott’s cheek.

“Yeah…about that. Annie had her appointment today.”

In an instant, Ben was on high alert.

“Is something wrong? What did the doctor say?”

Scott flushed. “Well… Shit. After everything you said, I’m afraid to tell you.”

“Talk to me, Scott,” Ben insisted. “What did the doctor say?”

“Apparently my little floaters were just waiting for the opportunity, and they took full advantage of it.”

It took a moment for Ben to catch up on the conversation. “What are you saying?”

Scott threw his hands up in the air. “Ta da. We’re having…twins.”

“Twins?” Ben’s head was reeling. “You mean we’re having two babies?”

Scott chuckled. “That’s what twins are, yes.” He nibbled his lip. “You’re not upset, are you? I was trying to figure out how to tell you. I don’t want you to be mad.”

“Upset?” Ben shouted, throwing his hands in the air. “Are you insane? We’re having two babies! I’m over the fucking moon.”

He grabbed Scott and kissed him breathless. When Scott stepped back, his cheeks were flushed.

“Sir, I—”

“Say that again.”


Ben kissed him again. “Let me tell you something, Scott. Since I met you, you’ve constantly outdone yourself in surprising me. Tonight takes the cake. I’d say I doubt you could top this night, but I’m sure if anyone can find a way, it’ll be you.”

“So you’re happy?”

Ben took his hands and stared deep into Scott’s eyes. “Boy of mine, I never knew I could be this happy. I wish I hadn’t been an arse when we got together. I wish I could go back in time to meet you all over again, and this time do things the right way.”

“You need to stop that,” Scott said, steel in his voice. “You didn’t do anything wrong, because we still ended up together. We’re still growing our family. Who knows how things would have gone if we’d changed anything? Maybe you would have gotten on my nerves, and I would have left. Maybe I would have liked being back home, lonely and miserable.” He squeezed Ben’s hands. “I wouldn’t change anything, because it all brought us to this time and this place. Right where we’re meant to be.”

It was humbling how much Ben could learn if he kept his mouth shut and his ears open.

“I love you.”

Scott’s grin grew enormous. “I love you do, you daft git.”

Ben pulled Scott into an embrace, vowing he’d learn from this. He would grow and be the kind of man his family could be proud of. That he’d be the best father—and Master—he was capable of being. Oh, he had no doubt he’d make missteps, but he knew, without a doubt, that there’d always be someone there to help him over the hurdle.

What was family for, after all?

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